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Here’s how I’m coping with stress and anxiety naturally. Like many, during 2020-2021, I rode the rollercoaster of various emotions. When my dad passed in 2021 many of the tips I used during that time I had learned and put into practice back in 2017 when our sweet Shih Tzu Ginger went through a myriad of health issues.
As an Ingredient Geek I needed to figure out how I would be coping with stress and anxiety as naturally as possible.
Natural Ways I’ve Used in Coping with Stress and Anxiety
In the past, all of the stresses could have made me lose sleep, be overly anxious, or go into a full-blown panic attack. Here’s what I used to help me cope. Don’t get me wrong, I can still be very concerned about situations ~ just not as crazy with anxiety as I would have been before!
I focus on what I can control and pray a lot
I pray A LOT! There was so much that is outside of my control. I really need to focus on what I could control, and leave the rest to God. This gives me a peace about the situation that I would not have had without those prayers.
I surrounded myself with positive supportive people
I’m so thankful for my friends, family, and Facebook community who pray for us. I’ll admit that often I felt silly asking for prayers for somethings like fighting my anxiety when there are so many others asking for prayer because of death in the family, cancer diagnosis, ongoing chronic illnesses, etc. However, I was reminded that God wants us to bear one another’s burdens, and how can they do that if I don’t share about what’s going on with me?!
During 2020-2021 being able to connect with others when we couldn’t physically be around each other was crucial for my emotional well-being.
I go outside to get some sunshine and garden
There is something wonderful about breathing in fresh air and having the sun on my face. Since I started Kitchen Gardening in 2022, I have lots of reasons to be outside, and it shouldn’t surprise me that my mood is usually better when I come back inside. When the sun’s not shining for a few days in a row, I often turn to my full-spectrum “sun lamp” to help me out.
I limit eating unhealthy comfort food
Honestly, this is the hardest one for me. I REALLY want to eat junk when I’m stressed! My goal now is to limit the amount (since eliminating completely is unrealistic for me). During 2020-2021 I gave in and drowned in comfort food for too long, and that wreaked havoc on my health long-term that I’m still having to manage.
When I’m starting to feel anxious and I eat food that isn’t healthy for me, it will often make me feel lethargic. When I feel tired, or don’t feel well, it’s easier for me to sink into depressing thoughts, and then fall down a slippery downward spiral that is really hard to get out of.
I play music that makes me feel happy and I dance
It’s amazing how much I’ve used music and dance to help me in various situations throughout my lifetime. My current favorite is from the movie The Greatest Showman ~ singing & dancing to a couple of songs releases stress and often helps bring me out of a bit of a funk.
I use Aromatherapy to help my mood
Sweet Orange Essential Oil is my favorite “happy” scent, and super uplifting. I will sometimes put a drop to wear on an aromatherapy necklace so I can get “a whiff” whenever I want. I like that it’s in many of Pure Haven’s products that I use on a regular basis (like body wash, shampoo, hand soap, etc.), as well as the Pure Happiness citrus scented roller ball, and the Pure Sunshine roller ball also lives up to its name being a mood lifter for me with it’s vanilla and coconut “summer-y” scent – perfect for cloudy days!
I’m a huge fan of the herbal Ashwagandha
I first learned about Ashwagandha when I started having adrenal and thyroid issues many years ago. It is an Adaptogen (plants that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall wellbeing) that is popular in Ayurvedic medicine that has shown incredible results for lowering cortisol and balancing thyroid hormones. It is wonderful at calming the body. You can read more here. I personally like using the tinctures I get at Sprouts since it calms me faster than capsules.
I take homeopathic remedies – especially Ignatia
All of the above ways help, but when I feel like I am “close to the edge” of getting really anxious and needed just a little bit more help, the homeopathic remedy Ignatia is amazing for helping calm my thoughts, and it’s also wonderful for grief. It was my “go-to” after my dad passed in 2021. If you haven’t discovered Ignatia yet, Joette Calabrese has a great article about this amazing, safe remedy.
Let me know if you’ve tried any of these ways to help you cope with stress or anxiety. What other natural ways have worked for you?
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