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Did you know that the word “fragrance” when used on personal care and home products is not just one ingredient?
So what’s hiding behind the fragrance ingredient? Good question, especially since it seems to be everywhere. I don’t know about you, but since I am an Ingredient Geek, I’m always checking the backs of the labels ~ even (especially) the so-called “green” companies! Thanks to “mental-pause” I now have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) in addition to my eczema (and various other issues). I REALLY need to know what chemicals might be in the products I’m using. Read my post Are You Avoiding These Top Toxins? to learn more about other top ingredients are best to avoid.
Phthalates are a large family of hormone disrupting chemicals and are hidden in the word “fragrance.”
@healthy_child says, “And it’s not only where you think it is, like perfume, body cream, and candles. It’s in diapers, toothpaste, even baby dolls and orange juice!”
@womensvoices says, “The term “fragrance” can be a mixture of up to 100 different chemicals, out of more than 3,000 commonly-used fragrance chemicals! Chemicals of concern in fragrance are linked to allergies, cancer, birth defects, and infertility.”
Even if a product says “unscented” on the front, please always read the actual ingredients on the label.
If I see the word fragrance, or perfume, or parfum, I don’t use it, simple as that. Because it’s classified as a “trade secret” companies DO NOT have to disclose what’s included ~ even if there’s a child going into anaphylactic shock triggered by a popular body spray (as seen in the move “Stink”)!! You can also read the story here (Thankfully due to the strong outcry, as of 02/13/17 the ingredients are started to be disclosed to the public).
Oh, and guess what?
That room spray you THINK is cleaning the air and smelling so fresh?
It’s just masking the odor and filling your lungs with unknown chemicals!
What’s hiding behind the fragrance ingredient? EWG’s Greener School Cleaning Supplies Report found that in the most popular air freshener, only 3 ingredients were disclosed on the label, yet the lab found 87 chemicals!! (WAIT, WHAT?!) That’s crazy to have that many undisclosed ingredients, in fact it could be quite are dangerous to many.
If you want to wear some type of scent, check out this post Avoid Synthetic Fragrances and Make Your Own Scent
Overwhelmed? Want some help?
My passion is to help families with Swapping Toxins for Healthy Options. I can send you a list of the top ingredients to avoid. Let’s start the conversation about ingredients in products with others ~ Contact me to speak to groups, companies, or a few friends gathered together online or in person. Making small steps CAN make a big impact. Let’s continue the conversation in our Natural Non Toxic Living Group.
Here are some great articles if you want to learn more:
✔ Healthy Child
✔ Womens Voices
- ‘Proprietary Ingredients’ Should Not Come Before Children’s Health. Ever.
- Avoid Toxic Chemicals – Fragrance