Curious about my journey to becoming an Ingredient Geek and why I chose Pure Haven?

Day we adopted rescue Gracie @GracieGirlJourney on Instagram
Confession ~ I like to read.
When I say I like to read, I mean I REALLY like to read. A true Bibliophile with LackaNewBookaPhobia (fear of being without a new book). As a kid, I read the cereal box during breakfast, the shampoo bottle while washing my hair, and the toothpaste tube while brushing my teeth… you get the idea. I read long into the night with a flashlight under the covers. In fact, I still read under the covers so the light on my Kindle doesn’t disturb my hubby.
I’ve battled various skin issues & allergies including acne, eczema, psoriasis, & contact dermatitis my whole life.
One summer, my eczema got so bad my mom put the prescribed hydrocortisone steroid cream on the inside of my arms and wrapped them with plastic wrap. I slept with gloves on so I wouldn’t scratch! The doctors also tried an elimination diet where I remember ONLY eating green beans and drinking apple juice. I’m sure I probably ate more than that, but that’s all I remember from that time. Side note, in addition to the red, itchy patches all over, I also wore glasses, had braces with full headgear, and had acne. Let’s just say, I was a vision to behold… and yes, I was smart, so truly a geek too.
My long journey of holistic & healthy learning

Us with our now Angel Ginger
Since I enjoy learning and researching healthy options, I’ve taken many courses. Everything from aromatherapy / essential oils, herbal remedies, and homeopathy. Thanks to menopause (aka mental-pause), everything got a bit crazy. My hormones, thyroid, and adrenals got all out of whack. I began having a variety of extra health issues, including Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Environmental Sensitivities (ES). Many fragrances often give me a 3-day migraine. I started making my own products, which was rewarding, but time-consuming.
I wanted to find one place to shop for a full-line of personal care products
My hubby & I got tired standing over a hot stove melting beeswax for my eczema lotion. I saw a post about products made with great organic ingredients and essential oils. Praying that none of the products would irritate my skin or give me a migraine, I signed up as a consultant to get the best price. Thankfully, I loved all the products right out of my kit. It wasn’t until I started the training that I learned about “greenwashing.” I THOUGHT I was reading labels carefully & buying products that were safe, natural, and organic.
Taken in by clever marketing, I realized I was not only wasting my money, but also exposing myself to harmful toxins. That made me angry!
That’s when everything changed for me. I REALLY started reading the labels of EVERY product we used. Roy says I’m now a “crusader” empowering families to choose the healthiest lifestyle possible. Unfortunately, many are unknowingly harming themselves with their everyday products! Take a look to see if you are Avoiding These Top Toxins. Unsure of the ingredients on the products you’re using? I’m happy to help you decipher them. I’ll honestly let you know if they look good, or if there are ingredients of concern.
Products that are guaranteed 100% free of toxins.
That’s just one of the reasons why I chose to become an Independent Consultant for Pure Haven. They create fresh products, made in small batches, free of toxins, environmentally sustainable, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. They adhere to a strict, six-step ingredient sourcing procedure and manufacture the products in their USDA Certified Organic facility.
Ready to start Swapping Toxins for Healthy Options?
Now that you know why I chose Pure Haven, are you ready to start Swapping Toxins for Healthy Options? Here are some First Steps to Living Toxic Free. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let’s chat, and let me help you on your own natural non-toxic journey. I can send you a list of the top ingredients to avoid.
Monique, the Ingredient Geek has an uncanny sense of ingredients and what is reasonable for our best health. She is able to make sense of some complicated products that would baffle any normal person. Being an Ingredient Geek is her superpower! ~ Milea S.
Let’s start the conversation about ingredients in products with others ~ Contact me to speak to groups, companies, or a few friends gathered together online or in person.